Live Music

Stars twinkle between clouds high above the Pybus Market sign. A train clatters by on the tracks, its tolling warning bell competes with the tinkle of silverware and laughter bursting forth from the open market doors. Inside Pybus dim lights and shining vendor signs illuminate the concourse. A new sound joins the mart’s chorus. Heeled boots beat on the vast concrete floor. A figure emerges with guitar case in hand. Gentle, murmuring whispers hum in anticipation as the musician continues to unload their speakers and pedals. The chatter of sipping customers dulls for just a moment. A deep, rich voice breaks the silence, “Welcome everyone, I hope you don’t mind, I’ll be playing a few tunes here tonight.”

We introduced Live Music Sundays this summer and suffice to say, people have loved it! I mean, who doesn’t love Live Music?!

Musicians from all over Washington state have helped make our Sunday evening sessions special.

For the winter we are hosting our live nights a little earlier: 4:00 - 6:00.
We will let you know when we switch back to 5:00 - 7:00 as the weather gets nicer.

Here is our line-up for January:

We hope to see you there!

If you or someone you know is interested in playing in our tasting room, email us at


Post by Madison Nicole


Mid-Winter News


Cider is Wine?!